

Monday, January 10, 2011


      "Come on Melissa, you can do anything for a minute", says the woman who loves to torture me. My legs are heavy and I feel like I'm gonna be sick. My aunt, the personal trainer, has been trying to kill me. Ever since I told her my New Year's resolution, she has graciously offered to help me workout and kill these pounds that refuse to go away. I am very grateful to her, but I feel like the process is gonna kill me. Afterwards I feel accomplished and proud of myself. During, is a whole other story.
      I'm on a quest. I'm gonna do it! I've gotten serious about eating better, trying to make better choices. Working out 3 times a week and on the off days I try to go for a walk. The process is rough and painful.  I'm beyond sore, but I keep telling myself that it'll all be worth it. Unfortunately, I like instant gratification and getting in shape is a process. I gotta stay strong. I'm thankful for the help from my aunt, just hope I don't drop dead in the process.

1 comment:

  1. go veg for a couple days a week,'ll start dropping the pounds like nobody's business...
