

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Moving Forward

       From the outside they look beautiful, they've been highly praised and are a great deal. I'm super excited to see the inside of these houses. Yet when we go on our outing today we are unable to actually see the inside and I start to get a little defeated. Knowing that a move is an absolute necessity, I hate not knowing when the exact date is or even which house it will be. I struggle with controlling my emotions and I know I'm starting to get irritated with the realtor. Why take us out house hunting if every time we drive by a potential option I hear, "Well we can't go in that one yet because there is a renter occupying the house and we haven't given them notice yet." Really? Then why am I here? There are so many loose ends that need to be tied and yet I can't start on any of them until I have a place we've actually seen the inside of and a move in date.
      Alas, I'm a little stressed out at the moment and in the midst of all this I am reminded that it is not in my timing but in God's. I'm humbled and brought to my knees. Of course I have forgotten amid all the chaos to give it up in prayer. I know He will provide, He always does.  I love how He uses every situation to teach us something. I'm being taught patience, pretty sure I will be taught that one again (many times), and to let go and let God. Not so easy with a control freak like me. Sigh. Ok here it goes, "Lord, I pray that you will provide the answers that I am searching for. Show me the house you have planned for us and please make the transition as smooth as possible and through it all please don't let me become too much of a stressed out, controlling, nit-picking, finger pointing, hair pulling, unenjoyable woman. Thank You!!"

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