

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Do Have Good Ideas, I Swear!!

      So in dealing with this one car situation, I have been doing a lot of research to try to find solutions to this predicament. I came up with two ideas that I thought would be very effective and helpful. First, I thought well maybe if I drove him to work sometimes and stuck his bicycle in the back of the car I'd dropped him off with his bike and he could ride home. On his ride he could release some endorphins and clear his head so when he does get home he can be completely focused on the kids and I. Plus he would be getting some great exercise too!!  The only reason I even entertained this idea was because HE was the one who said, "If I have to ride my bike, then I will. I like riding my bike."  Secondly, I looked into purchasing a scooter. It is less than $1000 out the door, tax and license included. It takes less than $5 dollars to fill tank and it lasts 100 miles. Perfect!!!! We won't burn through gas in my car which is a V8 and won't add unnecessary miles on the car which is already over 100,000.
     In my head I'm making some excellent points. But before I can even get two sentences out of my mouth his response is, "Absolutely not!" "Why?", I ask. He doesn't give any good argument as to why not, it's just because. Now I automatically think how unreasonable of him. I'm giving perfectly good reasons why this is a wonderful solution to our dilemma and in my head it is a no brainer.
    Now I've never blamed him for our one car situation. I've never thought well, if he was a better provider then we wouldn't be in this situation. Not once, I always attributed our situation to life. Things just happen. Now that I have 2 great solutions and he isn't even opened minded to one of them I can't help but start to feel a little resentful. Can't he see it's whats best for the family? Doesn't he see what a burden this has put on me?
    So now I sit here wondering what else I can do.  How can I help fix this? Why won't he let me help? At the end of the day I realize all I can do is get on my knees and pray. Give it to the Lord and have faith that He will provide. Until then I need to try to have a better attitude. I'm really trying, really.

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