

Friday, October 15, 2010

Being a one car family!!

With times being so tough these days in the economy, my family has decided to become a one car family. It's only been a week and already I'm over it! I have got some amazing friends that have been willing to take me to the places I need when my husband has the car, but I can't help but feel guilty!
The freedom to go where I want, when I want I have definitely taken for granted over the years. I know in the long run this is a good thing for the family and that God will bless us with another vehicle when its time. The little things seem to be driving me nuts though. Just being able to go to the bank to pay the rent or take my little one to the park when she is bored, or run to the grocery store to buy ingredients for dinner is a challenge. I definitely have to be a planner now to get everything done when I do get the car.
It's funny too because when we were making the decision to go to one car my husband sold me on the idea when he said he had no problem riding his bike to and from work if need be. I was thrilled to know that a) he would use his Christmas present I bought him a year ago more frequently, b) he'd get some exercise (not that he is overweight or anything) and c) my routine wouldn't change that much. After a week of this one car situation I asked him when he was going to start riding his bike and his reply was "Ummmmm". I'll take that as not anytime soon if ever!!!! I should've known better.
I just need to remind myself that this is but a season in my life and God will get us through!! I need to be grateful that we have at least one car at all and just suck it up and not dwell on it!!! I am very blessed in many ways in my life and who knows what rewards God will grant my family for being disciplined and waiting upon Him to fulfill our needs!!!

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